
for industry, Oil & Gas and Tunnels

Fireproofing for industry, Oil & Gas and Tunnels

For fireproofing in the petrochemical industry and in tunnels, fire-resistant spray mortars are used to protect steel and concrete structures such as supports, vessel skirts and spheres. Fireproofing in industry requires specialized expertise and experience. REPPEL is the exclusive distributor in the Benelux of ETEX (PROMAT) for the fireproofing materials.

Fireproofing for industry, Oil & Gas and Tunnels

We offer a suitable solution for every project.

Promat FENDOLITE MII is a fibre-free modified cementitious Vermiculite wet mix spray specially designed for fireproofing outdoor applications in aggressive environments such as the chemical and petrochemical industry and road and rail tunnels (civil works).

Promat FENDOLITE TG is available for situations where spraying a fireproofing mortar is impractical or forbidden. Promat FENDOLITE TG fireproofing mortar can be applied using a trowel.

Promat FENDOLITE MII and TG are the most widely used solution for fireproofing in tunnels and the petrochemical industry worldwide. Promat FENDOLITE has been tested in accordance with the for the petrochemical and traffic tunnel applicable fire curves (hydrocarbon fire, RWS fire, “cold spill”, jet fire etc.). Tests are also available on request with regards to explosion resistance.

  • For use in aggressive environments
  • Low weight (only a third of shotcrete)
  • Fibre-free
  • Quick processing
  • Boxed and contour encasement details
  • High mechanical load
  • Erosion-resistant
  • High durability
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