REPPEL Service
REPPEL Service
LEWIS Dovetailed sheets are available via a distribution network of professional building material businesses and builder’s merchants. See our page of sales outlets for a stocker nearby. Custom-made lengths (up to 7000 mm) can be ordered, as well as standard lengths that are available from stock. The delivery time for non-standard lengths is only a few days.
Our service
You may always contact our technical advisors with questions during the design and construction phase. They can advise you about the suitability of the LEWIS floor systems in your building project.
Specialized application
Larger LEWIS floors can be installed and finished by specialised installers.
Specification service
LEWIS dovetailed sheets are included in the STABU specifications systematics, the Cobo Systems specifications service and RIBA NBS Product Specifications.
Free advice?
We are happy to help you with appropriate advice. This way you know exactly what is needed for a successful project.